Thursday, October 24, 2019

Day 4 - Climbing and Rope Course

Tiger Lilly up on the rope course

They had a rope  course for the younger kids too

All smiles watching everyone have fun

You might be able to tell by Farmer J's 
expression that he was not all too happy that he 
could not go on the big ropes course with the older kids.
Unfortunately he was not tall enough.

Dad up on the course
(mom got to go up too...)

Big J climbing the wall

Dad and Big J coming down after
making it to the top of the wall

Lots of snuggles and naps on mom 
during the trip

Tiger Lilly climbing the poll

Fancy E always makes sure that her
little sister gets to have some fun too

Tiger Lilly on the wall

We had a really nice trip and lots of fun,
good health and good weather-
and safe travels too
all praise and thanks to God our Father!

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