Friday, April 24, 2020

Happy First Birthday

Our sweet baby girl turned 1 on April 20th!

Her day started with five siblings walking  in to say good morning and sing happy birthday to her.

Big Sister V baked her a cake

And Big Sister L decorated it for her

Grammie bought her some balloons.

 Below is her saying "balloooooon"

She wasn't sure what to think when we sang to her or about the candle or cake.

She tried a little.

She enjoyed opening the presents.

She sat in her chairs so sweetly and
attempted to open her gifts.

And once the gift  time was over, 
she was off roaming around the home.

She started walking just a few weeks before she turned
one and she hasn't sat down since.  She is steady and careful,
and roams all around our home now.

We love this little  lady so much and are so 
very thankful for her.  She is full of smiles and joy. 
She loves walking around telling all of us "hi."  If
we are not looking at her, she will lean her head in and 
say "hi" to make sure we know she is talking to us.

She is one loved lady for sure.
And we praise the Lord for her!
Happy Birthday Sweetie, 
May God bless you and keep you,
May his face shine upon and may 
He give you peace.  

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