Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Can I hold "baby brother"

I hear this request several times a day from all the siblings - but mostly from Purple Girl!
She sure loves her baby brother.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Swinging Bee

This Little Busy Bee loves to go to the park.  Her favorite thing to do:  Sit on the "big girl" swing and swing slowly back and forth.  She loves to feel like a big girl!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Love for Little J

Purple Girl has SO much love to give each and every day.  Everyone receives hugs, kisses, pushes, squeezes, touches, and whatever else Purple Girl wants to give out to show us her love.  Who knew that a great big push could have so much love behind it?!! 
 That may sound funny - but it is one way our Purple Girl shows her love.
Little J is no exception.  Thankfully she hasn't pushed him yet, but she loves to poke him, pull him, squeeze him, and give him MANY kisses throughout the day.  And it doesn't matter if Little J is crying - she will just hop on top and give him kisses.
Today she actually said to me (as she is poking his adorable little chin)
 "Mom, he really likes it when I poke him." 
I also often her from her (as she is touching him) "Mom, I just want him to wake up.  Why does he sleep so much."  Then she will yell "boo" in his face and run away. 
Keep in mind - this is all done in love - just Purple Girl Love!
She certainy is ready for Little J to be awake more.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Outing with Four

Usually on Wednesday mornings I go grocery shopping at 5am, by myself, before the day begins with the kiddos.  However, with our new little guy, we are not back into a normal routine yet.  So, today, I took the four kids grocery shopping with me.  Thankfully this store has a cart that can fit three.  The kids all did wonderful and Little J didn't start to get fussy until the end.
Big J is so much help!  He pushed the groceries out while I pushed the kids!

Monday, April 22, 2013


After I lay Busy Bee down for nap or bedtime, I always check the monitor to see if she is laying down.  More often than not, I find her doing this instead:
Her eyes are closed because she is saying "Cheese" for the picture.
But she takes all her blankets and covers up her and her stuffed animals and sits in the corner of her crib.  One night I checked on her an hour after we had laid her down, and she was just sitting like this, quietly in her crib. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Napping Buddies

The other day I was napping with Little J.  Big Brother J came in and laid down next to me on the other side.  I was able to rest with both my boys!  After I got up, they were both still laying there fast asleep.  So, I had to snap a picture.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Dress

Purple Girl received a new "twirling" dress from Grammie.  If you can believe it, it isn't purple, but pink.  The main thing time was that the dress twirled!
Busy Bee wanted to be in the picture too.
The girls decided to switch positions for the next picture.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Ergo

Momm and Little J spend a lot of time together just by him riding around this carrier!
He loves being snuggled close to mom and mom knows that he is safe in her "arms"!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sleeping Baby

The kids love to cuddle with their sleeping brother.

Purple Girl's Vocabulary

Purple Girl has come up with her own names for a few things lately.
Daddy loves to play cards with the kids.  Purple Girl's favorite game to play is:  Warts!
(Meaning - War)
The other day Grandma brought over a video to watch.  Purple Girl calls it:  Sesame Seeds
(Meaning:  Sesame Street)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Visitor from the East

The kids Aunt was here visiting this past weekend.  Grammie came down for a visit too, so we had a full house - which means lots of fun for the kids and lots of help for mom!
Snuggle time after bath!


We made a special visit to GiGi's last week so she could meet her new Great Grandson!

Monday, April 15, 2013


The weather was really nice for one day last week.  It was the day after I came home from the hospital, but with both Aunt Fell and Grammie's help, we were able to go to the park.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Big Eyes

It is fun when Little J is wided eyed and ready to "talk" with us. 
He was only a week old in these picture, yet they already change so fast.

Blog Names

For those who follow our blog, you know that the names we use for each of our children. 
 Currently it has been:
Child 1:  Little Man
Child 2: Purple Girl
Child 3:  Busy Bee
Child 4:  Baby Brother
The other day Little Man and I were talking about the Blog and his name.  He wasn't too happy about his name, since it had the word "Little" in it.  So, we started discussing new names we could have for him.  Here is the list he came up with:
Robot Man
Dinosaur Man
Flame Fire Man
Scissor Man
Big Man
Speed Man
Although those names were nice, they are not mom's favorites. 
So, we asked dad for his input and came up with this list:
The Eldest
Supersaurus (This is his favorite Dinosaur)
Legosaurus (Since he loves Dinosaurs and Lego's)
Polaris Man (this is the name of the four wheeler he loves to ride/drive)
We finally decided on changing both Little Man's name and Baby Brother's name.  Since both their names begin with J and Little Man was so pleased to share this letter with his brother,
we are now going to call them:
Big J and Little J!

Baby Brother

Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Bath at home

Baby Brother wasn't so sure about his first bath at home,
but once we got him cuddled up afterwards, he was just fine!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Brother and Siblings

So much love to go around!
"Mom, can I see "baby brother?"  This Little Man gives
his little brother a gentle touch as he smiles big that
we now have three girls AND three boys in the family.
"Mom, when will 'baby brother' wake up? I want
him up?  Can I touch him?"  Purple Girl gives
baby brother her tickles as a quick attempt
to wake him up before mom reminds her that
baby needs to sleep.

"Baby, mom, Baby! Baby sleeping mom."
Busy Bee gives gentle kisses to baby and then
stands back and ask all kinds of
questions about her baby brother.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Quotes from Older Siblings

Now that Baby Brother is home, it has been fun to see the responses from all three older siblings.
Little Man just can't get the smile off his face.  He keeps telling us "I can't believe I have a little brother.  I knew the baby was going to be a boy.  I can't believe God gave me a brother."  Of course all these comments with quite the smile.  He is already planning on teaching him to play baseball, and ride a bike.  He can't wait to take him out to the land with daddy and he doesn't quite understand why Baby Brother will have to stay close to mom for the first year.  He said all him and daddy need is a bottle for baby and they will take care of him.
Little Man also wants to know why he can't eat table food yet and when he is going to get some teeth; why does he sleep so much and when can he play with him.
Purple Girl just can't wait to be a mommy on her own.  She wants to hold Baby Brother all the time and will say comments like "When I am a mommy, I will put the burp rag on my shoulder and burp my baby.  When I am a mommy I will put a nursing cover on to feed my baby.  When I have my own baby...."  Of course she calls Baby Brother her baby now. 

While mommy was still pregnant, she told us that she doesn't like baby boys, but only baby girls.  I kept telling her she would love a baby brother, but she didn't believe me.  Since baby has been born, she told me on her own "mommy, I didn't know if I would like a baby brother when he was in your belly.  But now that he is out, I do like him." 
Daddy came home from a business meeting yesterday and she ran up to dad excited and saying "Daddy, we kept all of the baby at home today."  Not sure what she meant by that, but she was thankful.
She also wants to know when Baby Brother can play with her and has to show him every toy she is playing with.  She wants to be close to him, touching him, and giving him kisses.  It bothers her that he sleeps so much, so she likes trying to find ways to "wake him up."
Although she wants to help a lot, she doesn' want to change any dirty diapers yet.
And Busy Bee - she still LOVES this little boy.  She enjoys sitting next to mom and saying over and over and over and over again "Baby mommy, Baby.  Baby eyes, Baby nose, Baby hair, Baby ears.  Baby Baby Baby Baby." 
She was a little hesitant on our first day home when Baby cried.  She started crying herself and was quite upset that her little brother seemed to be upset.  But, it seems like we have worked through that and now she is okay with him making some noise.
Needless to say, Baby Brother has been welcomed home with a lot of love.  He has three very anxious and excited older siblings who can't wait to play with him.  They are ready for him to start talking, moving, and eating...mom, on the other hand, is thankful for the stages he will go through...one at a time.
I am sure more comments from the kids to come...but I had to share the above before I forgot them.
Love to you all!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Siblings Meet Little Brother

On Sunday, Grammie brought the three kids down to meet their Little Brother.  As most of you know, the sex of this baby has been quite the discussion in our home the past nine months.  Purple Girl was certain she needed another little sister and claimed that does not like baby boys.  Little Man worked on convincing Purple Girl that she already had a little sister and now it was his turn to have a little brother.  As most of you know, Little Man was extremely hopeful for a brother.  Busy Bee just wanted the baby to "come out."

On the way to the hospital Purple Girl was so certain she was going to see her new baby sister.  Little Man informed her that she did not know and that when they got there, if the baby had blue on, it was a boy and if pink, a girl.

Needless to say, Little Man was MORE than overjoyed to hear the news.

Purple Girl didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that the baby was a boy. Her first response was
"Oh, the baby has eyes.  Does he have hands and feet?" 
And "Mom, how did you get that baby
out of your belly?"

And Busy Bee - she was EXCITED!  She couldn't get enough of her new baby brother.  She just kept saying "Baby Baby" over and over again and wanted to be right next to him.  She loved holding him, patting him, kissing him, laughing at him, and smiling for pictures with him!

We are so grateful for the children the Lord has blessed us and excited to enter a new journey in our marriage as a Family of Six!

After the girls settled down and had their time with Little Brother,
Little Man was able to examine his new brother.

All three kids are excited and ready for him to come home!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Welcome Little Brother

Little Brother was born Saturday, April 6th at 7:23pm. 
He weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 19.5 inches long. 

"May God be my teacher, for He alone is the God of salvation"

Psalm 25:4-5 -Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all the day long.

Gym Class

While we were still waiting for the weather to get a little warmer to get outside, we had to find creative ways to release some energy.  We found using our school room chase to work well for this.  We would run over them, crawl under them, run circles around them, and zig zag routes through them. The kids had a lot of fun.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Earlier in the Winter we went with some friends down to the Skywalk downtown to let the kids run.

Busy Bee ran quite awhile, but she also enjoyed the time on her daddy's shoulders. 
These two boys had so much fun playing together. 
 When I asked for a picture, this is what I got: