Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Names

For those who follow our blog, you know that the names we use for each of our children. 
 Currently it has been:
Child 1:  Little Man
Child 2: Purple Girl
Child 3:  Busy Bee
Child 4:  Baby Brother
The other day Little Man and I were talking about the Blog and his name.  He wasn't too happy about his name, since it had the word "Little" in it.  So, we started discussing new names we could have for him.  Here is the list he came up with:
Robot Man
Dinosaur Man
Flame Fire Man
Scissor Man
Big Man
Speed Man
Although those names were nice, they are not mom's favorites. 
So, we asked dad for his input and came up with this list:
The Eldest
Supersaurus (This is his favorite Dinosaur)
Legosaurus (Since he loves Dinosaurs and Lego's)
Polaris Man (this is the name of the four wheeler he loves to ride/drive)
We finally decided on changing both Little Man's name and Baby Brother's name.  Since both their names begin with J and Little Man was so pleased to share this letter with his brother,
we are now going to call them:
Big J and Little J!

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