Monday, September 30, 2013

"Let's Play Barber Shop"

This is something you never want to hear from the other room when two of your children are left alone with scissors.  Yes, not a wise idea by mom, I know.  I thought the six year old was fine with the two year old for just a moment while I went to take care of the six month old.  Needless to say, the six year old had an idea and the two year old was more than willing to sit and let him experiment - she loves him and trusts him.

I had worked so hard at growing her bangs out and well, now we are back to square one.
Big brother felt bad afterwards and told me "Mom, I guess I should have thought before I cut them."  Although he keeps telling me that he thinks her hair cut looks good.

At the end of the day, I smile and I am blessed!
These moments I know someday I will look back on and laugh and miss!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Meeting New Cousin

We traveled down South to meet the newest addition to the family - little baby boy was born on September 15th and he is adorable!  We are so thankful to have another new cousin.

The girls enjoyed holding their new cousin.

Big J enjoyed playing with the two BIG brothers.

And this little cousin really enjoyed holding Little J.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dress Up Season is starting

As the Fall time approaches and we start to spend more time inside 
(although the weather still has been gorgeous), 
the dress up clothes tend to make more appearances.  
The kids played wonderfully the other morning while
 I reorganized their closets and prepared for the Fall time weather.  

Busy Bee - squished in the middle above - so wanted to wear this outfit.
I told her it would not fit, to which she replied "I a fit mom."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little J

Little J enjoyed his first ride in the shopping cart.
He didn't last long however and ended up riding on mom.
He hasn't quite mastered the sitting up thing yet.

I was going through another tote of Big Brother's old baby clothes.
I came across a few hats and tried this one one for size.

So, for all you Detroit fans - Go Tigers.

To you Cardinal fans in the family - hold on, there is a hat coming.  
And even to the Yankee fans, I found an outfit that you purchased for 
Big Brother years ago - so wait patiently, these outfits are to come as they fit Little J.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The kids were more than willing to help me shuck the corn.  
They did a good job and worked hard at it.

Little J did a good job watching us.  
He has enjoyed being in the walker lately.  

The kids think it is fun to watch him move around - of course, he only moves backwards right now and often finds himself stuck against a wall until one of his siblings rescues him.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Growing Up

Our Little J is growing up - too quickly for mom.  We are working on sitting up.  He still leans forward quite a bit and doesn't last long, but it is a start.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hide and Seek

These two little girls love playing hide and seek.  
While I was making dinner the other night, they enjoyed hiding from me.  
They have so much fun and enjoy giggling and laughing together.

These two fill our home with energy, so it is sweet moments when 
they calm down at night and want to rock with mommy.

Friday, September 20, 2013

New Activity for Little J

Little J was our dinner entertainment the other evening
as he tried out the jumping for the first time.
He was more moving in circles than jumping, but he enjoyed it for a little while.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Man in the Making

Big J loves to spend as much time with his daddy as possible. 
It is neat seeing him start to take on "manly" responsibilities.  

Oh, Daddy I would be like you when I am fully grown,
I want to do the things you do and have the things you own.
I'll drive a car and mow the lawn, and saw and hammer too.
I'm going to be a great big man and look and act like you!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Visit to Grammie's

The girls, mom, and Little J made a weekend trip to 
with Aunt Fell and Cousin Girl J to Grammie's.

The first day we enjoyed playing at Grammie's house.
The kids always enjoy walking on the bleachers near her home.

Then we went to the park.

The girls have so much fun dressing up as princesses and 
playing in the toy room.
Busy Bee was taking a picture of me while I took a picture of her.

One of the days we headed up to the Mall of America.
The girls love to go to the Disney store.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


These two boys have a "silly" time playing together.  
They are always finding ways to make other people laugh. 
This time they were putting on the "silly man show."

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Little J

Little J's older sister's just can't get close to enough to him at times.
Busy Bee was helping to entertain Little Brother while mom was making dinner.

Big Brother thought Little J looked funny in his hat.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Michigan Trip - Post 5

While the men were out golfing, Aunt K and 
I took the kids on a walk on a trail near Great Grandma's house.

The kids enjoyed finding things to collect along the trail.

There was also a ramp that led down to a view of the river.  
The kids thought it was the best thing ever to run down this ramp.

Us mom's are always up for ideas to release some energy.
So, we let the kids take turns and run up and down this ramp several times.

While walking, we found a cicada that had an injured wing, but was still alive.
Big J was brave enough to pick him up and show him to the other kids.

Busy Bee sure enjoys her time with her Aunt and 
even convinced her Aunt to run with her.

Once again we are so grateful for a safe trip.  We are blessed to have family to visit and spend time with.  Thank you to all who made the trip and also blessed us with your hospitality. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Five Months

Little J is now five months old!  
What a sweet, happy little guy he is!

Big Brother picked how we should "pose" him for his pictures. 
He already knows that Little J is going to be a Michigan fan too.

Little J continues to be our happy little guy.
He rolled over a few times this month - belly to back. 

The love between these two brothers is already so special.

Little J may only be five months old, but he knows
when his big brother is near.  Big J has this little guys heart.
They both adore one another.

Michigan Trip - Post 4

We made a special trip to visit Great Grandma.
Unfortunately Busy Bee was too busy this morning to sit for the camera.

Busy Bee enjoyed her time riding on the boat with daddy.

The boys enjoyed fishing. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Michigan Trip - Post 3

Like always, the kids loved their time in the water.
This little girl stayed close to shore and liked being in the tube.

These three kids ventured much farther out into the water and 
enjoyed swimming together.

Big Sister was so kind to keep an extra eye on her little sister and play with her.

These two cousins had fun together and of course had moments of silliness.

The cousins and Aunts/Uncles enjoyed a fun game of baseball together on Labor Day.