Monday, September 9, 2013

Michigan Trip - Post 5

While the men were out golfing, Aunt K and 
I took the kids on a walk on a trail near Great Grandma's house.

The kids enjoyed finding things to collect along the trail.

There was also a ramp that led down to a view of the river.  
The kids thought it was the best thing ever to run down this ramp.

Us mom's are always up for ideas to release some energy.
So, we let the kids take turns and run up and down this ramp several times.

While walking, we found a cicada that had an injured wing, but was still alive.
Big J was brave enough to pick him up and show him to the other kids.

Busy Bee sure enjoys her time with her Aunt and 
even convinced her Aunt to run with her.

Once again we are so grateful for a safe trip.  We are blessed to have family to visit and spend time with.  Thank you to all who made the trip and also blessed us with your hospitality. 

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