Saturday, February 8, 2014

10 Months Old

Our Little Guy is now 10 Months old.  He certainly is the busy man now as he crawls everywhere and it seems to mom that he is a fast crawler. On top of that, he is starting to pull himself up and move around by holding onto furniture and walking. Poor guy had his first cold this month and is still battling  a runny nose and sneeze.  

But that hasn't stopped him from being on the move.  

I will often find him pulling on my pant leg saying "ma ma ma ma"  Who can resist those adorable brown eyes.  You are correct if you figured I picked him up and give him many snuggles and kisses!

The below face is a look of determination as he spotted the camera and wants to grab it.

He is ALL smiles as he figured out how to stand up by the stairs. 
Thankfully he hasn't gone up the stairs yet.

Big Sister loved that Baby Brother was holding her hand.

The other morning it was just Little J and mom home.  I found him under the table, behind the curtain, just laying and looking out the window.

Once he saw that I spotted him, he wanted to play peek a boo.

We sure do love this little boy!
Such a blessing

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