Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Busy Man

This little guy loves to be on the move (have I mentioned that)??  
First his walker, then crawling, and now walking along furniture and walls. 
While I was unloading groceries the other day, Little J moved from the kitchen in the play room, along the pack n play, out into the kitchen to the cupboards.

After he accomplished this mission.  He plopped himself down on his butt
 and crawled over to the fridge where I was putting the food away. 
He stood himself up and thought he'd "help"

Although I don't have pictures for the next party of his journey, I will fill you in.
He next crawled to the pantry and "unloaded" the granola bars I had already put away.
Finally, he found his sister's water bottle, dumped it on the floor and had a good time 
playing in the water.

Do I have another Busy Bee on my hands? 
I think so.

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