Thursday, July 17, 2014

Birthday Girl

Our Little Busy Bee is THREE YEARS old!  If you ask her today, she will tell you she is still ONLY two!  Not sure why, but she keeps saying "I am not three yet. But I still want my birthday party."  We have a birthday party planned for tomorrow evening with family that she is excited about it.  

Her birthday theme this year is "Zoo Train - God Created the Animals!"  It is a perfect theme for this little lady because right now she LOVES animals - especially tigers and her nickname is V-Train!  She would currently tell you that wants to be a tiger when she gets older.

The nickname V-Train came from her Aunt Kelly.  The V because I (mom) would call her V sometimes since she has a V in her name and then Aunt Kelly added the train to the end.  It is something special between her and her Aunt and now she loves being called V-Train!

Once Grammie heard that Busy Bee loves Tigers, she found Busy Bee 
this stuffed Tiger.  She now loves carrying this tiger everywhere.

This Little Lady is such a fun little girl.
She always has a story to tell you if you will just sit and listen.
She loves playing with her little brother - I will often find the two 
of them hiding together in a corner with the BIGGEST smiles on their faces.

She also enjoys playing Lego's with her big brother 
and dolls with her sister.  She loves the comfort of knowing that Big Sister
will always be there for her and if she gets in a situation that she 
feels nervous, she will say she wants her "sister!!!" 

She sometimes has crazy hair, wears outfits that don't match,
and can go from a smile face to a crazy or upset face in seconds.

And then right back to a SMILE!!

She brings our family so much joy and
keeps us laughing.
She adores her daddy and loves getting hugs from him!

We love you SO much Busy Bee and we thank the Lord for you!

Happy Birthday!

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