Friday, July 18, 2014

Birthday Morning

When Busy Bee woke up yesterday morning she had some presents waiting for her from mom and dad and big brother and big sister.

We had an extra guest this morning - Cousin J had stayed with us for a couple days. 
It was so much fun having her!

Big Brother got Busy Bee a Lego Set (A train to go with her
zoo train theme).

Purple Girl found this dress for Busy Bee!

And Mom and Dad purchased a train table for both
Busy Bee and Little J!  Little J has already found a fun
new way to play with it!

After gifts we had waffles for breakfast and then we
sang Happy Birthday to Busy Bee.
She wasn't liking us singing to her, as the picture below shows.

Later that morning Aunt Kelly came over and helped mom
make Busy Bee's Zoo Train Cake for tonight's party.

She keeps telling me that she is NOT THREE YET! 
She said she will not be three until she eats her cake 
tonight at her party.  I guess it is hard for a 3 year old
to have her birthday party the day after her birthday. 
I am ok with having my "2" year old for one extra day though!

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