Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

We recently stopped in at a pumpkin
patch and let the kids run around.

This little man thought the pumpkins 
were fun to sit on.

Of course he had to 
try to lift them too.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Special Moments

On the hay ride at the Apple Orchard I sat next to my sweet Little Busy Bee.
I loved having her hold my hand and sit so close.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Apple Orchard

We were blessed to take a field trip to a local Apple Orchard.

This little lady LOVED jumping in the corn 
pool.  She could have stayed all day jumping
in and out!

Grandpa came along - which was 
such a blessing.  Little J loved walking around
with him.  It was so cute as he looked at the goats 
and was so excited about them.  But as this goat moved towards
Little J, Little J clung tight to Grandpa's legs.

We enjoyed a hay ride.

The picture below is hard to see,
but so sweet.  I love Purple Girl's
expressive personality. 
As she went down the big 
tunnel slides, she would put her 
hands int he air and squeal! 
It was so sweet!

The big kids all got 
to go through the big corn maze with their Aunt.
We had a wonderful day and beautiful weather.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Something to look at....

While we were doing school the other morning, a tractor was working in our yard, so I let Little J outside to watch.  This of course was a JOY to him!  After a few minutes, I look outside and see him quite relaxed as he is enjoying the "show."

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apple Day

Last week for school we had a fun apple day!

We made and enjoyed apple bread.

We did apple crafts.

We did apple rolling with paint!

We did apple tasting - trying five 
different apples dipped into chocolate, 
caramel, and peanut butter.

We planted some apple seeds.

And we made and enjoyed apple crisp!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Special Dinner

Big J had an idea for the dinner menu the other day.  Bagel egg, cheese and bacon sandwiches, with a side of oranges and chocolate.  When he told me and I said we could have it - he was surprised!

It sounded good to me - I enjoy having breakfast food for dinner.  

For some reason the bacon and egg came
off his bagel.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Cute Little Boy

Daddy had fun playing dress up with Little J.

Once Little J saw something was on his head
he took it right off.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Michigan Fans

Daddy brought home new Michigan shirts for everyone from his trip.
The girls were excited when we all wore our new shirts and jean skirts.

Then the boys...

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Why is our Little J frozen still?  

The picture below answers the question.

The trash was being emptied by this machine
and he couldn't move while he watched.
This boy sure loves machines and noise -
any thing with a motor!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Three Year Old Buddies

These two little girls were making me smile on Sunday while at the park.  They were following one another around having so much fun.  I caught these pictures on camera - I just love the true SMILES coming from both their faces.

Then they made their silly faces-
I didn't have to ask twice for these.  
They knew exactly what to do.

Then they roared like tigers...

And more smiles! 
And giggles too...

We are so blessed to have these
cousins living close by!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Family Time on Sunday

This past Sunday evening we took the kids out to a local state park and let them play.  They have a really neat playground, which the children love.  It is also right next to the lake.  I have been wanting to let the kids just play and enjoy the sand - I wasn't really expecting them to get into the water.  But, they are kids - so it happened.  And they had SO much fun!

This Little Guy of course thought sand was a
lot of fun.  Teaching him not to throw it....well, we tried.

This boy made me laugh. When we first arrived
and the girls RAN out to the beach ready to get
dirty and have fun - he says "I don't really want
to play in the sand."  Within moments however,
he was diving into the sand and actually ended up the wettest 
and dirtiest of all the kids.

Daddy buried him in the sand.

I don't have any pictures of the kids in the water.
We didn't want Little J going in, so I was busy watching him.

But Big J ended up swiming in the water with his Cousin A who 
came also.  Purple Girl enjoyed the water for a while and Busy Bee LOVED
that her Aunt A came - because then she was able to get in the water with her.

After cleaning up from the sand and water,
we ate a sack dinner and headed to the park to play.

Little J just loves holding onto 
things and hanging.  After this,
Daddy hung him from the monkey bars. 
He is our little monkey.

We had such a nice time.
It was fun having the Book family with us
and enjoying the beautiful weather!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Sweet Helpers

I love these two little ladies so much and I love their enthusiasm for helping me.  
Especially when I am making cookies.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Outside Fun

The weather was nice the other day, so we put the pool on the deck and let the kids mess around in the water.  Afterwards they enjoyed Popsicles and sat on the deck to dry.

Piano Lessons

Big J started piano lessons this year.  We have just gotten underway. So far he is enjoying it - hopefully that continues.