Thursday, September 4, 2014

Labor Day Weekend with My Littles

Daddy was away on work for part of Labor Day weekend (and also a little fun)....

His work trip took him to Michigan - and if you know, he is a BIG
Michigan fan - so when tickets were available, he had to go.

The oldest two children were away with Grandma in NE visiting their Aunt and Uncle.
So, I just had my two little's.  Although I missed Big J and Purple Girl,
it was very special to spend some time alone with my little's.

Cousin J allowed Busy Bee to keep her Clifford stuffed animal for the week.
For those who have read this blog in the past, you know that Busy
Bee loves her cousin's Clifford dog.  So, it was a Big deal.

Busy Bee enjoyed pushing Little J and Clifford around
in this box.  These two are the best of friends....

Then we painted the box red and made
a dog house for Clifford to sleep in.

Busy Bee is used to sleeping in the same room as her big
brother and sister.  So, I wasn't sure how it would go without them
there with her.  Fortunately, we put Clifford in Big Sister's bed and
Busy Bee slept great all three nights they were gone.

Little J spent a few hours one morning with
Grandpa while Mom and Busy Bee ran some errands.
He LOVES his Grandpa and Loves playing in Grandpa's truck.

Busy Bee was more than happy to help feed 
Little J.  

We got all dressed up for church -
she was excited to wear an old dress of Purple Girl's and
the high heel shoes given to her by Cousin J.

When daddy got home we went cruising in the convertible -
we could fit, since we were two children less.
It was Little J's first ride in the new car - He enjoyed it. 

We had to hold onto Daddy's hand when we went shopping.

We had a nice weekend  -we missed our Big's
and are thankful they are home again!

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