Saturday, September 6, 2014

Trip to Nebraska

The older kids had such a fun at their Uncle, Aunts and cousins home.  They loved traveling with Grandma and did so many fun things.

Loving on kitties is such a highlight for both the kids.  I am surprised this little girl didn't come home with one in her backpack...she loves them so much.

Going for rides on the four wheeler in the big open spaces
is such fun.

Playing in water - always fun.

With these two, there is always time to be silly together.

Taking pictures before church with cousin - adorable!

Attending Cousin L's 2nd birthday party-

Playing in more water...

Playing ping-pong.

Needless to say, Big J and Purple Girl 
can't wait to go back. 
They don't have to wait too long, as
another family trip is planned this fall - God willing!

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