Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Setting up the Tree

It was an exciting Sunday afternoon this past weekend when we set
 up the Christmas tree.  The kids were SO excited!!

As you can imagine, we had many  helpers!

Big J stuck with the project and helped Daddy set the tree up.

Then the lights....once again, several helpers.
The lights gave daddy a little trouble.

So while he figured it out, 
the kids looked at Christmas books.

Once the light situation was figured out,
we put the ornaments on the tree.

Then we enjoyed pancakes and smoothies for dinner.

Afterwards the kids each got to open their special 
boxes of ornaments. 
It is always so much fun for them to see their very 
own ornaments.

It was a fun evening. 
It ended with watching Frosty the Snowman.

And now we have to keep an eye on a 1 year old,
who thinks the ornaments are all balls and fun to throw!

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