Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Trip to Grammie's

The kids and I were blessed to take a weekend trip to visit Grammie.
Like always, they had so much fun!

Busy Bee is always so excited to jump into the blue car.

Little J fills up his stroller with all the 
balls he can find.

The girls love to dress up in the 
princess dresses and carry around stuffed animals.

I didn't get a picture, but Big J is either
reading a book (we usually check some out from the 
local library) or playing with Lego's.

Little J wanted to sleep with this
purple hippo...isn't he adorable?!!

On Saturday there were some
Christmas activities downtown,
so we got to ride in a Horse-drawn wagon.

Purple Girl was the only one who wanted
to pet the horse! 

We had safe travels and a good time!!

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