Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Part 1

Christmas Eve and Christmas morning was spent with just mom, dad and the children.  The kids received new pajama's that they got to open on Christmas Eve.

The girls received pajamas that had matching pajama's for their baby dolls.

The boys received pajama's that had balls on them -Little J is all about balls right now.

On Christmas morning when the kids get up, they search for
baby Jesus to complete our nativity.  There are clues they must follow to find Him.

Then they follow other clues to put our last 
ornament on the tree which speaks of Jesus
being the name above all names.

After our scavenger hunt,
the kids open their stockings.
Always lots of excitement for toothbrushes 
and socks!

We have a special breakfast and then I (mom)
bribe the kids (and dad) by telling them
they can open the rest of their presents after we take
a nice family photo.
It seems to work and brings out most everyone's smile.

Then present opening begins.
I had a theme for the girls this year - it was all about their baby dolls.
So, they received a diaper bag, blanket and new outfit for their dolls.
It was sweet to see how very excited they were.

The boys received a new basketball hoop to put
on their bedroom door - also lots of excitement.

After the fun and busy morning,
the three of us were tired.
We were able to take a nice nap before the afternoon
fun began.

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