Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas Part 4

Our final Christmas celebration was at GiGi's in town.  It has become a tradition that the whole family goes to GiGi's for dinner and a Christmas program we put on for GiGi and her friends.  I am not musically talented, so I sit back and enjoy the show.  But the rest of the family participates.

The children put on a Nativity skit.

This year we had a shepherd, Mary and a sheep.

We also had an adorable little donkey.

The entire cast.

Mary got to sit with Baby Jesus. 

Busy Bee ended up being quite the 
entertainer of the show.

At the end the family band plays.

Busy Bee was getting tired towards the end,
so she found a nice resting place.

We were blessed to have a very 
Merry Christmas and wonderful time
with all the family we got to spend time with.

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