Thursday, April 30, 2015


My brother got married, which meant we had family in town.

It was so wonderful to see my Grandma,
the kids Great Grandma.

It was the first time for Baby J to meet
his Great Grandma.

Aunt Mandi with her two precious
children were also here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Piano Recital

Jakin had his very first piano recital.  He did a very good job and made his mom and dad very proud.

Monday, April 27, 2015


I love this picture of Baby J.  He normally gets scared when he is put in the bathtub.  But this particular morning he kept his precious eyes on me the entire time and as I spoke to him, he never cried.  It was so sweet to see the trust in his eyes that his mommy would take care of him!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Nature Walk

The other morning it was absolutely gorgeous!
So, we took school outside and went to a near by lake
to walk on some trails and study nature.

The kids then each choose something to sit and draw.

It was great to get outside and enjoy
the Lord's amazing creation.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Date with Daddy

For the past few years we have all enjoyed
filling out a bracket for March Madness 
(basketball tournament).

Daddy then keeps track to see who wins.

This year Busy Bee won.  Daddy promised
a special treat to the winner.  Within minutes 
Busy Bee had her special treat planned and 
couldn't WAIT for daddy to take her out.

The other morning the two of them went
out to breakfast together.  She was SO
excited!!  She got all dressed up
in her princess dress and high heel shoes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Date with Purple Girl

The other afternoon I got to go on a date with 
Purple Girl (and of course Baby J).

Purple Girl's first choice was to go 
to the Mall of America.  When I told
her we needed to stay local she was a little
disappointed.  But, we finally landed on going to a 
park. She told me she needed some fresh air.

After playing for a little while, we 
then decided to go pick some dandelions. 
She has been quite disappointed that we don't have 
any in our yard.  

It was nice to have that special time with her.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


For school we made mustaches...
The Principal wasn't sure this was a 
productive school activity - but it was a fun
project that went with our History.

The kids had fun and sometimes school gets to be FUN!!

Monday, April 20, 2015


Little J enjoyed his new T-ball set.

But then was frustrated when he could
not hit the ball as far as his older siblings.

He had fun though and I am sure he
will learn quickly.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


What is really fun for five kids,
but really nerve racking for mom...

a fun evening around a fire in the backyard!!

Of course the three oldest loved 
helping daddy throw sticks in the fire.

Mom was busy holding baby and trying to keep
the now 2 year old in a seat!

I should have had a picture of Busy Bee -
she was daddy's BIG helper this night.  
She made sure every last stick was picked up in 
the yard and thrown into the fire.
She was so excited to tell me that 
she was daddy's big helper and was
greatly encouraged by the the praise from her dad.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Big Eyes

I love Little J's BIG brown eyes in this picture below.

He sure loves to hold his little brother!

Friday, April 17, 2015

That's Cool Mom

Little J's new saying is "That's cool mom!!"

So, while helping me throw clothes in the washing machine and 
watching the water fill up, he kept telling me "That's cool mom!"

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Two Months Old

Our sweet baby boy is two months old today!!!

It is getting much easier to catch smiles on the 
camera now.  He is staring to "talk" with us 
and has lots of smiles when you get 
eye contact with him.

He doesn't take a pacifier - 
we don't need one for this little guy
as he rarely is crying unless he truly
needs something (sleep, food or a diaper change).

But, he does suck on his fist a lot, 
so we will see if this turns to the thumb.

A lot of people have asked how it is with five.

Having five children - having one child -
is life changing and also sanctifying
in my walk with Christ for sure!!!
I ask for forgiveness a lot -
from my Savior and from my children and from 
my husband at times too.

It is a constant humbling experience
as I am daily reminded that life is not about me,
not about my wants or my desires.

It is a good reminder....
the more I let go of me,
the more I love my Savior, 
which in turn the more I love
others in my life.

I am BLESSED!  There is
just no other way to say it...very blessed!
Not because life is perfect or because I have perfect 
kids or even a perfect husband (although he is great)...
but because I have a PERFECT Savior - 
and when I stand before God it is ONLY 
because of Jesus that I will be saved.

So how is life with FIVE?
Life is crazy, life is busy, life is messy,
it is challenging yet rewarding,
it is unpredictable yet fun,
it is hard but worth it all...

but overall life is like it was
with one, two, three, four and now five -
GOOD - because my JOY is found in Christ!

"you make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of JOY;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  
Psalm 16:11

Love this guy!!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mommy's Helper

 Purple Girl has really turned into Mommy's BIG helper with Baby J!

She has worked really hard at being able to change his diaper all on her own.  
She may not have it perfect yet, but she does a really good job.

She loves feeding him a bottle.

She also does a good job calming him down if he is upset. 
He is a very happy baby and doesn't get upset too often,
but he still is scared of taking baths.
So the other day she crawled in with him 
and held his hand while I bathed him.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Family of Seven

On Easter Sunday I was finally able to get a nice picture of our family together.

One too many pictures for our baby boy!!

These pictures are always so precious to me
as a mom.  Especially when most of the children
are looking at the camera and every one over the age of
one is not crying!

Bribing the kids with chocolate does help :) 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Egg Hunt

While Grammie was in town over the weekend the kids enjoyed an egg hunt with their cousins.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Helping Daddy

Daddy  was cleaning out the garage and of course Little J was right there to help him.  

Little J was quite disappointed when 
both of these machines would not run for him.

He asked Daddy to please turn them on, 
but not yet.  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Two Years Old

Our Little J is TWO years old today!

He is all about balls - especially basketball, so it was the
perfect theme for his birthday this year.

We had a basketball pinata
and made a basketball cake.

His birthday poster.

Little J is such a sweet little boy
who adds a lot of excitement, busyness and
smiles to our home. 

For some reason this picture below kept downloading side-ways,
but I wanted to include it.  Little J had a lot of fun
hitting at the pinata and watching his cousins do the same.

Little J was so adorable as he sang Happy Birthday to himself
while everyone else sang to him.

Then he tried blowing out his candles...
It was so cute as he blew, but I believe 
Purple Girl (who you can't see in the picture below)
ended up blowing out the candles for him.

After cake, we did a basketball game where all the 
kids shot hoops and we kept score to see if they could beat the
dads.  When it was Little J's turn, all the kids cheered for him.
It was So sweet...he was so excited to make his shots as
everyone cheered.

I loved the two year old birthday parties...
they always seem so genuine 
in their excitement.  After the party and as I was putting 
him to bed, he retold me about all the fun he had.  
It was a sweet time with my Birthday boy!

We love you so much buddy!! 
Happy birthday.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Baby Amy

When I was a little girl I had a baby doll that I loved very much - her name was Amy and she looks a lot like a real baby.  Both Busy Bee and Little J love this doll.  It is sweet to see them take care of her.  If you ask Little J who's baby she is, he will say "my baby."

Friday, April 3, 2015