Thursday, April 16, 2015

Two Months Old

Our sweet baby boy is two months old today!!!

It is getting much easier to catch smiles on the 
camera now.  He is staring to "talk" with us 
and has lots of smiles when you get 
eye contact with him.

He doesn't take a pacifier - 
we don't need one for this little guy
as he rarely is crying unless he truly
needs something (sleep, food or a diaper change).

But, he does suck on his fist a lot, 
so we will see if this turns to the thumb.

A lot of people have asked how it is with five.

Having five children - having one child -
is life changing and also sanctifying
in my walk with Christ for sure!!!
I ask for forgiveness a lot -
from my Savior and from my children and from 
my husband at times too.

It is a constant humbling experience
as I am daily reminded that life is not about me,
not about my wants or my desires.

It is a good reminder....
the more I let go of me,
the more I love my Savior, 
which in turn the more I love
others in my life.

I am BLESSED!  There is
just no other way to say it...very blessed!
Not because life is perfect or because I have perfect 
kids or even a perfect husband (although he is great)...
but because I have a PERFECT Savior - 
and when I stand before God it is ONLY 
because of Jesus that I will be saved.

So how is life with FIVE?
Life is crazy, life is busy, life is messy,
it is challenging yet rewarding,
it is unpredictable yet fun,
it is hard but worth it all...

but overall life is like it was
with one, two, three, four and now five -
GOOD - because my JOY is found in Christ!

"you make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of JOY;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  
Psalm 16:11

Love this guy!!!

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