Monday, April 6, 2015

Two Years Old

Our Little J is TWO years old today!

He is all about balls - especially basketball, so it was the
perfect theme for his birthday this year.

We had a basketball pinata
and made a basketball cake.

His birthday poster.

Little J is such a sweet little boy
who adds a lot of excitement, busyness and
smiles to our home. 

For some reason this picture below kept downloading side-ways,
but I wanted to include it.  Little J had a lot of fun
hitting at the pinata and watching his cousins do the same.

Little J was so adorable as he sang Happy Birthday to himself
while everyone else sang to him.

Then he tried blowing out his candles...
It was so cute as he blew, but I believe 
Purple Girl (who you can't see in the picture below)
ended up blowing out the candles for him.

After cake, we did a basketball game where all the 
kids shot hoops and we kept score to see if they could beat the
dads.  When it was Little J's turn, all the kids cheered for him.
It was So sweet...he was so excited to make his shots as
everyone cheered.

I loved the two year old birthday parties...
they always seem so genuine 
in their excitement.  After the party and as I was putting 
him to bed, he retold me about all the fun he had.  
It was a sweet time with my Birthday boy!

We love you so much buddy!! 
Happy birthday.

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