Friday, October 30, 2015

Fall Pictures - Baby J

Our sweet baby boy - 8 months old.

What a blessing and answer to pray this little man is.
He still is Mr. Content.  It is rare to hear him crying or upset,
unless it is time to eat.
If you were in our home, you would most likely see
this little man being hugged by one of his siblings, roaming around in his walker (potentially trying to touch something
he shouldn't), or eating!  

We love this boy so much and are
so thankful for all the sweet smiles and giggles
we receive from him each day.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fall Pictures - Little J

The two year old...a daddy's boy and a very busy man!

This little man adds much to our family as well.
He is quite the funny guy and currently loves to talk.
He has lots of questions and likes to be right in on 
any conversation.  He certainly is a daddy's boy (although
I think he loves his mommy too).  
If you were in our home you would probably find this
boy playing with his farm and tractors, riding his scooter around,
wrestling his older brother or potentially doing something
to get his siblings attention.  

We love this boy so much and are so thankful
for all the smiles and adorable expressions this
guy gives us each day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fall Pictures - Busy Bee

Middle child - Four Years old!

What a blessing this lady is in our home.
She still enjoys telling us stories and playing with her
animals and baby dolls.  If you were in our home, you would
most likely find her playing Lego's or playing any thing with 
her big sister.  

We love this little lady and are thankful
for the laughs and imagination she brings to our family.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall Pictures - Purple Girl

Our six year old!

When we got home I thought I should
take a picture with her hair down - 
it has gotten so long.

This lady is a wonderful 2nd child.
She still loves to look after her younger siblings
and adores babies.  She loves everything to be 
bright and colorful and still enjoys being "fancy!"
If you were in our home you would most often 
find her coloring a picture or playing with her sister.

We love this little lady so much and are thankful
for the energy she brings to our home.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Pictures - Big J

Big J - is he really  8 1/2?  

We took the glasses off for a few shots.

But he preferred to have them on.

So thankful to have this boy in our family.
We continue to often find him reading a book
or building something new with his Lego's.
He enjoys watching football with his dad and
had a great time playing flag football this fall.

Love this boy so much!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sick Week

The flu hit our home this past week and all FIVE kids had it to some extent.  
The girls seemed to have gotten it worse and were sick longer.  
Thankfully as I write this, I believe and hope, we are over it.  

The Lord was so good to me as a mom this week.  Although the kids were sick starting on Tuesday and it lasted until Saturday with someone not feeling well, and every night we had at least one if not two children sleeping on our bedroom floor, we were not up through the night.  The throwing up mainly started in the mornings and lasted during the day.  I was so thankful to the Lord that He allowed all of us to really makes a difference in dealing with it.

And with any sickness, comes lots of snuggle time. 
 Never enough room for all the love that wants on my lap.  

Just picture Big J asking where he can sit and Baby J in the walker 
running into my feet "bagging" to get up.

 I couldn't be more blessed.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Flag Football

Big J played flag football this year
and had a good time.
Dad was his assistant coach.

He had a few fans come to his last game.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Owl Ladies

Busy Bee and her Grammie both like owls. 
 It was a sweet surprise when they both showed up at church with owls on.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stuffed Animals

Our children love their stuffed animals.  
I thought this was cute when I went into Busy Bee's room the other day.  

I love how the simple things can warm a mom's 
heart and bring so much joy to a child.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

There is a fun free pumpkin patch near our home.
We ventured out the other day with cousins and grammie
and had a nice time.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Eight Months Old

Our baby boy is eight months old.  
The months just fly by and our little boy is growing up.  
He is eating solid foods for lunch and dinner, continuing to move all over the
 house in his walker, and rolling everywhere when left on the ground.  

He is quite the mommy's boy right now.
He can be happy with almost everyone,
but if he sees me, he wants me.

I don't mind right now...I appreciate the love
and the snuggles when I pick him up.

He continues to be adored by all his older siblings.
Big J loves keeping an eye out for him.
Purple Girl is so hopeful he will love to be tickled like she does.
Busy Bee enjoys finding toys for him to play with.
And Little J already can't wait to wrestle with him.

Mom and Dad are enjoying all his smiles,
the giggles we can so easily get,
and the 2AM wake up calls...wait,
not sure this is our favorite, but one thing 
about this guy, you never know what each 
night will bring!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Playing Baby Dolls

Some evenings before bed the girls and 
I enjoy playing with our baby dolls.  

Then they both wanted to put my glasses
on and pretend they are me.

They thought it was so funny.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Trip to Michigan

The final day we were in Michigan we 
decided to take these six children, a long
with Aunt K, myself, Aunt D, Uncle C and
of course Baby J through a corn maze that had
almost 4 miles worth of trails.

Thankfully we didn't walk all those miles,
and found our way out in an hour or so.
Also a lot of thanks to Aunt D, who
helped carry Baby J party of the way.

Nice picture with Great Grandma and some
of her great grandchildren.

Baby J on the ride home - "Please let me out!!"

We had a wonderful quick trip, 
safe travels, and nice enough weather.

All thanks to the Lord!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Trip to Michigan

We took a quick weekend trip to Michigan to visit family.
Dad stayed back home to work and kept two of our kiddos -
Busy Bee and Little J.  Grandma Cheryl helped watch the kids who 
stayed home too.

While in Michigan, we spent time with Great Grandma.
We went to the big Christmas store in Frankenmuth.

We colored pictures with Grandma.

We went mini golfing with cousins.

Thanks to Aunt D for holding and 
carrying Baby J for me.

Uncle C helped hold Baby J too.