Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ten Months Old

Our baby boy was 10 months old on the 16th.
In the midst of the chaos of moving, unpacking, and renovations, 
thankfully my diligence of putting a reminder
in my phone to pop up each month
came in handy..  Without it, we might
have missed the 10 month photo!

Baby J is still a sweet, happy little guy.
However, he is becoming more mischievous 
with each new day.
In the new home, he has discovered new cupboards to open
and new doors to try to go through in his walker.  He is 
quite persistent and gives us a grin when told no.

But he knows the word no and once he sees mom or dad 
coming to instruct him no, he quickly turns
his walker around and "runs" away.

He is excited to get his own room soon.
Once the renovations are done in our new home,
he will have his own room (and move out of our closest).
He might not know the difference, but mom and dad
will be happy for him to have his own space.

He is not crawling yet, but is starting to move in that direction.
He really enjoys trying to walk when mom or dad helps him.

We love this little boy so much.  
Praising the Lord for him.

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