Wednesday, December 16, 2015

We Moved

This past Friday we moved - just across town. 
I had to get one final family picture in front of our old home
before we left.

Some sweet memories the kids have from our old home:

*Bringing home four of our babies to this house
*The swing set daddy built in our back yard
*Daddy catching a bird in the front yard
*The walls Purple Girl ran into when she started "running" at 10 months
*So many wonderful people visiting us and staying over
*The awesome neighbors!!!
*The great park near by
*The many walks around the block
*Purple Girl thinking the towel rack was monkey bars in the bathroom 
(daddy had to put up a new towel rack)
*All the special birthday parties celebrated - including 
Lego Party, Princess Party, Owl Party, Basketball party and so many more.
*The basketball court out back our neighbor let us play on
*Sledding/Rolling down the hill 
*The HUGE snowman daddy built the children

And so many more wonderful memories. 
We are so grateful for that home and our new one.
We look forward to making new memories.

We are so very grateful to all the family and friends who 
helped to make the move go so smoothly.
You are ALL awesome!!

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