Sunday, January 31, 2016


The kids enjoyed playing in the snow
and building a fort with sticks and the trees
(not sure if you can see from the picture the 
fort they built, but they had fun)

Baby enjoyed his ride in the stroller.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Baby Dolls

The girls had their baby dolls, so
little brother wanted his too.

Little J with his baby doll who
he named "Uncle John"

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Everything in the Mouth

This little boy puts everything in his mouth.
We really have to keep an eye on him, because
as he crawls around the home, if he finds
anything on the ground he will put it in his mouth.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


We had several chairs in our family room due
to hosting small group at our home.  The
next morning Big J found a clever way to use the chairs.

Baby J is walking everywhere now. For 11 months old
he is quite sturdy.  But it still makes mom nervous and 
I would prefer he would stay over carpet.

So, Big J found a way to keep him on the carpet.

He seemed to enjoy what brother built
and walked from chair to chair, often giggling
as the kids watched.

Monday, January 25, 2016

What Can You Create with Cardboard?

The kids were giving 
cardboard squares to  create
something with.

Purple Girl made a shark.

Big J  - something from Star Wars.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bright Day

I walk into her bedroom 
and she is reading like this...

Made me smile!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Make Me Smile

I left him on the potty,
walk back in and he is doing this...

(I didn't realize there was reading 
material next to the toilet. It made 
me smile!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Science Center

 We enjoyed an outing at the science center in town.

The kids even were able to be on the noon local news.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016

11 Months Old

Our Baby Boy is 11 Months Old today!!   How fast the time goes.

Teething - so hands in the mouth.

Clapping with his big brother 
who is standing behind the camera.

Chilling and giving mom a hard time as
I am asking him to walk to me.

Off he comes, walking to his mama!

Although he is still only army crawling and 
hasn't figured out how to pull himself up on things yet,
he LOVES to have an adult stand him up and then
walk from one sofa or one person to another.
Once we get him walking, he often doesn't
want to stop.  

We love this little boy so much and 
enjoy all his smiles, kisses, hugs,
snuggles, sweet expressions and joyful noises
each and every day.

We thank the Lord for him!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Rookie Mistake

I should know better than to leave the two year old in the bathroom by himself.  

The picture doesn't show the pee all over the floor.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


We went to a show downtown with the cousins.

The girls and I - 
Love Ms. Busy Bee, any where with
noise she has her ears plugged.

Boys enjoyed using the phone
to take a selfie

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pool and Rice

These two could not be more excited to play with rice in our pool in the house!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hot Cocoa

The kids love coming in from
outside playing to a nice warm glass
of hot cocoa.

Friday, January 8, 2016


I wish I had a better picture to show how
this little guy moves across our carpet.

But this picture will have to do for now.
Baby J picks up his walker using both hands, one
on each side and moves VERY quickly across our carpet.

It is quite funny to watch as he chases us
across the carpet, carrying his walker
and at times almost tipping himself over.

He moves so quickly in this thing and
just LOVES being able to roam.

At times, I will see him pick up speed
and purposefully run into walks or doors.

I am going to miss when he is done using it.
And it may not be long, as just over this past week
he has started to take steps on his own.  I am in
no hurry to have him walking, so I haven't pursued 
teaching him, otherwise I think he would be off.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Purple Girl and Her Baby

One of the gifts this little girl 
received for Christmas was a snowsuit
for her baby doll.

She couldn't wait to dress up her 
doll and take her out in the snow.

They had fun playing together.
She also brought in some "beautiful sparkling snow"
which we now have in our freezer because 
we just had to keep it!

It is sweet to be reminded by little
eyes just how amazing and beautiful
are the simple things God made!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fun in the Snow

Love this silly girl.
She tends to enjoy making 
silly faces for the camera.