Friday, January 8, 2016


I wish I had a better picture to show how
this little guy moves across our carpet.

But this picture will have to do for now.
Baby J picks up his walker using both hands, one
on each side and moves VERY quickly across our carpet.

It is quite funny to watch as he chases us
across the carpet, carrying his walker
and at times almost tipping himself over.

He moves so quickly in this thing and
just LOVES being able to roam.

At times, I will see him pick up speed
and purposefully run into walks or doors.

I am going to miss when he is done using it.
And it may not be long, as just over this past week
he has started to take steps on his own.  I am in
no hurry to have him walking, so I haven't pursued 
teaching him, otherwise I think he would be off.

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