Saturday, January 16, 2016

11 Months Old

Our Baby Boy is 11 Months Old today!!   How fast the time goes.

Teething - so hands in the mouth.

Clapping with his big brother 
who is standing behind the camera.

Chilling and giving mom a hard time as
I am asking him to walk to me.

Off he comes, walking to his mama!

Although he is still only army crawling and 
hasn't figured out how to pull himself up on things yet,
he LOVES to have an adult stand him up and then
walk from one sofa or one person to another.
Once we get him walking, he often doesn't
want to stop.  

We love this little boy so much and 
enjoy all his smiles, kisses, hugs,
snuggles, sweet expressions and joyful noises
each and every day.

We thank the Lord for him!

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