Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Birthday Big J

Today is Big J's birthday - he is NINE!  The time is going too quickly and it is hard to even grasp that it has been nine years since we brought this little baby boy home.

From one year old -

To nine.

He loves Minecraft, so I did my best to make him a Minecraft birthday cake.
For those who know the game, we had land (cake), sand (rice krispie treats) and water 
(blue Jello).  I do not know the game, but thankfully I have Internet for ideas.

We love this guy so much.  
We love his creative mind, the funny jokes he tells,
his love for Michigan (side note, we 
didn't even all plan to have our Michigan colors on below), 
his love for his siblings (it is a joy to watch him play with all 
his siblings, especially his little brothers - they just 
adore him), and all that makes him Big J!

It has been a wonderful nine years and
we look forward to see how the Lord will
use him over the next year and into the future.

Happy Birthday buddy -
You are loved more than you know!

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