Saturday, March 5, 2016

Special Time with Grandma

We were so blessed to have Great Grandma with us for a visit.  We are so thankful she was able and willing to make the trip.  We all enjoyed some special time with her.

The older children enjoyed playing card games with Great Grandma.

The girls set up a tea party and enjoyed sharing it with Great Grandma.

We even convinced Great Grandma to paint with us.  

Big J and Great Grandma enjoyed a few games of checkers together.  They
used the Michigan vs. Ohio State checkers board - so although both 
Big J and Grandma are Michigan fans, Grandam allowed Big J
to be Michigan.  They had two "heated" games, and each won 
one time.  They were happy to leave it as a tie.

Great Grandma read many books to all of the children.
Even Baby J warmed right up to Great Grandma
and would run up to give her big hugs.

The picture below is sweet and I know special to Grandma
as Little J became her buddy.  Grandma is a morning person just like
our family, so she often would be at the kitchen table before the kids 
were up.  So, when Little J would come walking down the stairs for
breakfast he would see Great Grandma at the table and get 
VERY excited.  "You sit by me Grandma!"  he would say every
morning and then he would enjoy quite 
the conversations with Grandma over breakfast.

We all enjoyed having Great Grandma visit.
We wish the road was shorter so we could see her
more often.

I even got a picture with her!!

We love you so much Grandma.
Thanks again for making the trip.
Please come again soon!!

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