Thursday, April 28, 2016

More Hospital Stay Pictures

So far our stay at the hospital has gone smoothly.  Jeshua is doing wonderful and is back to his active self - even with one or both of his eyes swelled closed.  Thankfully the left eye only stayed closed overnight and for a few hours this morning.  The right eye has been closed for a few days now; but tonight looked like it was finally starting to open again.  But, this boy is quite the trooper and hasn't been fussy at all about his eyes.  If he is upset, he is hungry, tired, getting his temperature taken (under the armpit, so we have to hold him still for a few minutes) or frustrated that he can't go walk the hallways on his own yet (mom and dad would prefer his hand right now as we don't want him taking any tumbles).  But otherwise, he is his normal happy self.  He might be enjoying this two on one attention right now - having all of mom and dad to yourself as baby number five is quite the accomplishment.

Here are some more pictures from our the week.

Tuesday after surgery in the PICU.   
He wasn't so sure about all these wires hooked to him.

Starting to get up and move around.  
Wednesday morning - April 27th
(right eye swelled closed)

Moving rooms - he was doing great and we
were able to move to the Peds floor on Wednesday morning.

Our friends brought the boys over to see 
their baby brother.

Baby J was so excited and happy to sit next to BIG J.

Little J wasn't so sure about his baby brother at first.
But it was so sweet as Baby J kept wanting to give Little J 
plenty of hugs!

The girls are hopefully coming to visit tomorrow.

Since he is doing so well, we have been able to take him for
many walks around the hospital.

He was having all sorts of fun with daddy
and bouncing around his crib.

We are so proud of this guy and so thankful
for his happy personality.  

Hoping we can go home soon.

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