Saturday, April 30, 2016

Other Children - Boys

While we were gone with Baby Boy in the hospital, our other children were in wonderful hands.  We are so thankful for those who helped watch our children while we were gone.  Here are few pictures of some of the fun the boys had.

These two three year olds had a lot of fun together.

When they came over to visit, Daddy went with
the boys and our friends to a children's museum in town before 
they went back home.

This guy was quite tired on the way home.

Taking his scooter for a ride.

Helping to do some chores.

Big J playing tennis with his friend.
It is amazing what you can do with one arm

(Oh, for those who didn't know, Big J
fractured his elbow two days before we left
for surgery for Baby J!!)  
He is doing well and hopefully will
have his splint off in 3 weeks.

They also went with our friends to their lake house for a day.

I do believe these boys had quite the fun week.
So thankful for such wonderful friends to be 
joyfully willing to love on our boys for the week.

Thank you doesn't seem enough.

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