Sunday, August 28, 2016


The three middle children made airplanes.  
It is amazing how simple crafts bring so much joy.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Nursing Home

We have been blessed to be able to go to the local
 nursing home once a month and spend time with the residents. 
The children are making friends and becoming more
and more comfortable spending time with them.  

Big J coloring a picture and talking with a resident.

Baby J and Purple Girl enjoyed playing 
this fish game with this sweet lady. 
I think she really enjoyed holding Baby J.

And Busy Bee worked on a puzzle with this kind
lady.  Busy Bee and this lady have become good friends.

They were excited to finish their puzzle together.

Here is the gang that goes every month.
Love these cousins so much!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Nature Walk Wednesday

We have been trying to get outside first
thing on Wednesday mornings for school 
to go for nature walks and to praise God for His
amazing creation!

We went to a butterfly garden that is very close to our
house and Purple Girl loved catching them.

These two boys enjoyed running over 
this bridge (over and over and over again).

Peek-a-Boo Mommy!

Thursday, August 25, 2016


And just some random other pictures from the fair.

How many heads can get around one smoothie?
And Baby J would have been right in there if
he hadn't been in his stroller.

We had a nice evening at the fair and didn't 
even touch all there was to see in the 3 hours we were there.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fair - Animals

There was a free petting zoo and of course all the children enjoyed it.  
But our two ANIMAL LOVERS - 
Busy Bee and Baby J especially enjoyed it.

She was overjoyed to see a zebra and was
 excited that she had worn colors to match him.

This guy had no fear to let any of the animals
eat right out of his hand.

He was ready to climb right in with the goats.
I wish you all could have heard him giggling and
smiling for joy as he fed and saw the animals.
It was so very sweet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

State Fair - Tractors

We enjoyed an evening at the State Fair.  All the children enjoyed the tractors, 
but Little J of course LOVED them!  He could have stayed for hours.

This guy loved going "beep beep."

And even the big kids loved going up
in this big one!

Monday, August 22, 2016


The children caught a frog (Fred) in our yard and Little J 
was enjoying having him for a pet for awhile.

He took him for a bicycle ride.

In the end we decided Fred the Frog would be happier at home with his family,
so we let him go.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sister Love

The two sisters decided they would put their brothers to bed for me.

The so sweetly read stories to their brothers.

Then they both enjoyed some snuggles from this guy.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Morning Love

Most mornings I am blessed to be able to have a little time reading my Bible before I start the day.  I sneak away to my bedroom while my husband feeds the kids breakfast.  However, sometimes a few little ones get up extra early and sneak into my room and find me. So, I usually have at least one sitting by me for a few minutes before daddy calls them for breakfast.
  This particular morning I had three :)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Mr. Worker

Little J is a worker.  You give him a task and
most times he will work hard to accomplish it.

Today it was take the trash bag out to the road.
He put it in the wagon and hauled it up our hilly driveway.

Next he hooked the wagon up to his 
tractor and pulled his little brother around.

Then little brother wanted to ride the tractor, but
his legs are too short, so Big Brother hopped on the
front and peddled for him.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Purple Girl and I went out
for a birthday breakfast together.
It was sweet, she didn't want me to sit
across from her in the booth - she wanted me 
to sit right next to her.

She got roller blades for her birthday.

Her and I enjoyed rolling 
around together.

She wanted a unicorn cake. 
So thanks to the Internet,
we found a template and went for it.

She enjoyed helping me make it and was 
so excited with how it turned out.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Happy 7th Birthday

Our Purple Girl is SEVEN years old today!  

She lost her two front teeth a few weeks ago,
so we are enjoying listening to her talk and
also watching her try to eat sweet corn.

She still LOVES babies, can't wait to be 
mom someday and enjoys dressing up in her fancy clothes.

We love this lady so much and are so thankful
for all the energy, excitement and laughter she brings to our home!


Happy Birthday little lady.
You are LOVED more than you can imagine.