Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It is daddy's birthday today!  Kids love the excitement that come with birthdays.  Since we have something going on tonight, we celebrated last evening.  The kids made him angel food cake and we all enjoyed.  Then we opened gifts.

Of course the kids wanted to help him
open the gifts "they" got him. You might notice a theme.

This picture below is so sweet to me.
PUrple Girl has such an expressive personality.
She was SO excited to have dad open her gift,
she had the biggest smile on her face
and was giggling!  So sweet.

Michigan mug, Michigan mouse pad, Michigan shirts and
picture frame with children all wearing their Michigan clothes.

In the middle, the sign says:
In our house we will serve the Lord and cheer
for the Michigan Wolverines!

Happy Birthday daddy...we love you so much!

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