Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Happy Birthday Puppy J!

Our Little Boy turned two on February 16th and 
true to his blog name and a favorite of his, 
we had a puppy party (which basically means, I made him a puppy cake).

The poor guy was on the beginning of a cold, 
so some of these pictures show well his shiny eyes and runny nose.

He "helped" me make his cake.

The final product.

Before his party, attempting to get a few pictures.

What happens when you set a 2 year old
next to his cake to try to get a few pictures.

Yup, a lot of licking.

 And more licking.

He was blessed to have several cousins, aunts, uncle, and his
Grandpa, Grandma and Grammie at his party.

His favorite song right now is "Amazing Grace," so 
before we sang Happy Birthday to him, we all sang
Amazing Grace.  He started singing, then listened so 
adorably as everyone sang.  After his guests sang to him,
he then sang the first 
verse all by himself ( leaving out a few words).
He was tugging at his mommy's heart - he was precious!

Then we sang happy birthday and while we sang,,
he blew out his candles.

I love throwing 2 year old birthday parties.
I know the kids won't remember, but I have 
some of the sweetest and best memories from 
their young parties.  Puppy J's party 
was no exception.  So glad we had it
and thanks to all who attended (and sorry
to all who went home with a cold).

Monday, February 27, 2017

Potty Training

My mom came down the week of February 13th, before Puppy J's birthday and together we worked on potty training our sweet Puppy J!  Like usual, the first few days were messy and challenging, but by day 3 he was doing great!  I have always heard you have to give it at least three days, and this has stood true for me with all my children.

He has been doing great.  Even telling me while we
are driving down the road, so below is a picture of us
pulled over in a parking lot so he could go potty.

He had some adorable sayings that we all enjoyed
as he was learning.

He called his undies = onions
He called the marshmallows we gave him for a reward = mushrooms
And when he did go poop in the potty, he called that his = rocks, which has now
turned into "I have to go poopy rocks."

So, I can't believe it, but for the first time in 9 years (almost 10 years)
we are diaper free...well kind of, Puppy J still wears diapers at nap and bedtime.
It is exciting and kind of sad all at the same time. 
Moving onto new seasons of life.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Grammie brought new tractors for Puppy J and Farmer J's birthday presents.  Puppy J turned 2 on February 16 and Farmer J will turn 4 on April 6th.  The boys were very very excited!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Two Boys

Step stools on the ledge by the fireplace.

When I told Farmer J I didn't think this looked safe,
especially since they were about to stand on the stools
and jump off, he said "Don't worry mom, we will
not break the fire place!"

Smiles - That was not my concern!

Monday, February 20, 2017

No More Training Wheels

With this nice February weather,
we have been outside a lot this month.

This little lady hopped right on her
bike and took off with no training wheels.

She was getting close in the fall,
so it was nice to see she didn't
need much practice.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


I hate to admit that I
was sitting right next to him.

In my defense, I was helping four young children try to write 
their valentines.  So that is my excuse as to why I got

Friday, February 17, 2017


Puppy J LOVES when any sibling
takes time and reads to him before bed.

I don't really like to give this up easily,
as I really enjoy my time with Puppy J before bed.

But as you can see on little brother's face,
he sure adores his older siblings
(and I do believe he is quite loved
by all in our home!)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Family Fun Night

We had a family fun night and enjoyed a few games together.  Funny how these things are so simple and the kids loved them so much.  I think using marshmallows definitely added to the fun.

The first game we played was trying to blow the marshmallow across the line without it falling off the pan.

Then we used toothpicks and marshmallows and 
built our own creations.

Next we tossed marshmallows into cups.

Puppy J was so cute.  He tried one toss and when
it didn't make it,

he went for an easier approach.

Then dad tossed marshmallows into 
some wide open mouths.

Finally we played a Q-tip shooting game.  
Stick a q-tip into a straw and shoot it into a
bucket.  This game was a keeper and
one I think we will play again.

It was a fun night and despite the 
kids being hyped up on the sugar
from all the marshmallows,
they all went to bed no problem : )

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

More Snow Fun

Since it has been quite a mild winter,
we are getting outside with every bit of snow that falls.

Big Brother kindly pulling around his little brother.

The cousins were over to play.
They found the sleds and had fun
pushing and pulling each other around.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's

The kids spent the night at
Grandma and Grandpa's

Grandpa always has 
something fun for the kids to do.

Making homemade "ice cream."

Kids at Grandma and Grandpa's = Date night for Dad and Mom