Thursday, February 16, 2017

Family Fun Night

We had a family fun night and enjoyed a few games together.  Funny how these things are so simple and the kids loved them so much.  I think using marshmallows definitely added to the fun.

The first game we played was trying to blow the marshmallow across the line without it falling off the pan.

Then we used toothpicks and marshmallows and 
built our own creations.

Next we tossed marshmallows into cups.

Puppy J was so cute.  He tried one toss and when
it didn't make it,

he went for an easier approach.

Then dad tossed marshmallows into 
some wide open mouths.

Finally we played a Q-tip shooting game.  
Stick a q-tip into a straw and shoot it into a
bucket.  This game was a keeper and
one I think we will play again.

It was a fun night and despite the 
kids being hyped up on the sugar
from all the marshmallows,
they all went to bed no problem : )

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