Monday, February 27, 2017

Potty Training

My mom came down the week of February 13th, before Puppy J's birthday and together we worked on potty training our sweet Puppy J!  Like usual, the first few days were messy and challenging, but by day 3 he was doing great!  I have always heard you have to give it at least three days, and this has stood true for me with all my children.

He has been doing great.  Even telling me while we
are driving down the road, so below is a picture of us
pulled over in a parking lot so he could go potty.

He had some adorable sayings that we all enjoyed
as he was learning.

He called his undies = onions
He called the marshmallows we gave him for a reward = mushrooms
And when he did go poop in the potty, he called that his = rocks, which has now
turned into "I have to go poopy rocks."

So, I can't believe it, but for the first time in 9 years (almost 10 years)
we are diaper free...well kind of, Puppy J still wears diapers at nap and bedtime.
It is exciting and kind of sad all at the same time. 
Moving onto new seasons of life.

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