Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Lodge

Arriving at the hotel.
They always give you wolf ears for the

At the hotel there is a this game called Magi Quest. 
You can purchase a wand and basically go on a scavenger
hunt finding all the items you need to complete a quest.

You can point the wand at items throughout the hotel 
(treasure chests, pictures, stars on the ceiling, an armored man)
and they will light up and talk to you and you get points.

Of course the kids love it!

The first day when we arrived we swam for a few hours 
and then did the game for awhile.

This guy hadn't napped and was quite tired by dinner time.
So as the kids made their way through the hallways to
complete their Quest, this guy kept laying on the floor and 
saying he was tired.

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