Friday, January 26, 2018

The Way We Like IT!

This is the way we like it when we go to this hotel!

An empty parking lot.  
Certainly one perk of homeschooling is we can
go to places in their off or down times.
This hotel on the weekends and over school breaks
is packed full and as one employee told me
"children are running everywhere and are up until
late hours of the night."

But for us - we feel like we are almost the only
ones there. Our children have no idea what it means to 
stand in lines for rides or share this Magi Quest game 
with other kids.  They had it all to themselves.

We are also an early morning family.  On morning one,
three of the children were up by 5am.  We tried to keep
them in bed until 6am.  The restaurant to get breakfast didn't 
open until 7:30am, the Magi Quest game doesn't open until 9am
and the pool doesn't open until 10am.  
SOOOOO - we had a few hours to entertain before the hotel was 
ready for us.

But at 9am, these three were ready to
start another Quest.

And they had little kids yoga, so Big Sister Fancy E
convinced Puppy J to participate.

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