Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Great Grandma

The next morning, we went to visit my other Grandma.

And once again, we love to play cards!  

It is so special to me to get to watch our children
play cards with their grandparents - just like
I did (still do) when I was younger.

Excavator Man loves playing the matching game.
He kept telling his Great Grandma "I beat my daddy 2 times!"
He was quite proud of this victory.

We brought along a few toys, one of which was these
magnetic tiles.  And true to this lady's love, she was
building things to show her Great Grandma.

And true to these two loves - they
enjoyed coloring pictures for their Great Grandma

More cards

Our to lunch

and more cards

A good bye picture

I told them they could do one silly picture
after they did a nice one.

And here is the silly one

Love my Great Grandma so much.  I have
so many memories with her and my Great Grandpa.  
They used to take us on trips and my Grandpa 
would always find ice cream shops along the way for
us to stop at.  They both love(d) ice cream just
like I do.  

I am so blessed to have such wonderful grandparents!!

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