Wednesday, March 28, 2018

So Much Fun with Cousins

We visited Great Grandma's during the day
and spent time with cousins in the evening and on 
Saturday before we had to travel back to Michigan.

Aunt D brought out this fire truck.
We often saw him carrying this around.
He wanted to bring it home and hold it on
his lap for the 10 hour car ride.  

These two enjoyed playing basketball 
and of course video games together.

These two were inseparable.

These two and the girls built forts in the basement.
So Much FUN!

early morning

breakfast together

And lots and lots of playing

Picture with Aunt and Uncle.

Excavator Man was not so happy.
But in his defense, it was bedtime and he
had missed several days of nap.

So we let him leave the picture and 
got a nice one below

Our kids were so sad to leave.  They
had so much fun!  It is such a blessing that 
even though we live miles apart and don't
see one another often enough - when they get
together they jump right in
and have a blast together.

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