Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Colorado Springs - Royal Gorge

Our first stop was the Royal Gorge

The kids enjoyed the park 


Trains to play in

Walking across the bridge

The gondola ride across the gorge was a high light for all the kids

And more trains to play on

It was a beautiful day and a fun time!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Trip to Nebraska

We went on a family vacation to Colorado Springs.  On the way we stopped at Uncle John's and Aunt Mandy's.  Always so much fun to have there!

So much love for the cats!

Uncle John had an excavator he rented
for some projects.  So all three boys and
Nathan got to enjoy running it.

so much love for this little cousin!

And this cousin

And this cousin

More love or kitties

and fun cousin time

And of course fun riding the four wheeler

We also got to meet and ride the new ponies
Tiger Lilly really loves animals, so
this was a special treat for her

And more love and fun with this sweet little girl

How many cousins can you fit on the four wheeler?

And he also got to ride in a skid steer
Quite a fun time for this little guy!

We had a nice visit with family and also
enjoy our trip to their farm!
Thanks for hosting us!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Birthday Cake

Enjoying her birthday cake

I didn't actually get a picture of her
blowing out her candles, as her hat got
in the way.

However, I did get little brother
"helping" her blow out her candles.

He helped her right to the end!

Enjoying cake!

The other siblings enjoyed it also!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Fancy E

Fancy E turned nine years old yesterday!!  
True to her, she was up nice and early and ready to start her day. 
 When I say early - I mean early - 4:50am!!

 After breakfast she got to open her gifts!

Lots of art and craft books. 
This girl really enjoys art.
She is my children who always
has a way to make things more beautiful!

Making her cake...a lot of siblings were 
ready to help her if needed (and sneak
a lick if they could)

She made herself a purple kitty cake!

We love this girl so much and are so very
thankful for the energy, the excitement, the passion,
the smiles, the hugs, the creativity she brings to this home.

Love you so much!
Happy Birthday little lady!

Friday, August 10, 2018


One morning early before the kids were up
I noticed the sunrise must be beautiful.
But from our front window the trees block
so we can't really see.

So, once Ms. Fancy E came down the stairs earlier
than all her siblings, I decided to run up the hill with her
and see the sunrise.

Ms. V was up too and followed us out and up the hill.

Before 6am July sunrise!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Swim Lessons

The girls took swim lessons in July.
It was surprising chilly at 8:30am in July. 
One morning it was cloudy and only in the 60's.
I was cold on the side in my coat and long pants.

But they did great and endured the cold like champs.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Love for Her Dolls

This lady loves her dolls so much
and does such a great job taking care of them.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Happy Birthday V!!

Ms. V had her birthday back in July - Seven Years Old!
Opening her presents.

She received a joke book

And a new watch.

Her and I were able to go to the pool
by ourselves

And she got to make herself her cake. 

You may be wondering what the cake
is suppose to be.  It is a dragon named "Toothless."

It is a little interesting, but
she loved it and was happy, 
so we were happy.

Happy Birthday Sweet V!!