Saturday, August 4, 2018

Excavator Man

Our Excavator BOY is not so excited to start school.  He loves his freedom, loves being outside and loves playing with his siblings, who will now not have as much time to play with him.  But, he likes to learn, likes to listen to books, and enjoys crafts and songs - so these parts of school I know he will enjoy.  Excavator Man had a fun summer also.  He enjoyed going to lots of parks, staying the night at Grandpa and Grandma's, going to big brother's baseball games, having time with Grammie, riding his scooter, "mowing" the yard with his BIG brother, getting to see a lot of construction vehicles as we drove around town, going to splash pads, 4th of July parade and fireworks, and going to Adventureland.  Back to a routine my sweet we go!

Silly Man

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