Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Fancy E

Fancy E turned nine years old yesterday!!  
True to her, she was up nice and early and ready to start her day. 
 When I say early - I mean early - 4:50am!!

 After breakfast she got to open her gifts!

Lots of art and craft books. 
This girl really enjoys art.
She is my children who always
has a way to make things more beautiful!

Making her cake...a lot of siblings were 
ready to help her if needed (and sneak
a lick if they could)

She made herself a purple kitty cake!

We love this girl so much and are so very
thankful for the energy, the excitement, the passion,
the smiles, the hugs, the creativity she brings to this home.

Love you so much!
Happy Birthday little lady!

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