Friday, August 23, 2019

Big Sister Watching Baby Girl

Mom had to go to a doctor's appointment and big sister
comes along to watch baby girl.

I didn't realize she had my phone, but
apparently she did and grabbed these photos.

School with Big Brother

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Day at the Fair

Ice Cream Break

Going down the big slide.  
Big sister let Excavator Man sit in her lap

All tired out and heading home...

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Happy Birthday Fancy E

 Fancy E turned 10 this month!  Double digits.  She had been asking for a while now to have a tea party with some of her friends, so we thought her birthday was the perfect time to do this.  And thanks to a very good friend of ours who has a gift for planning parties and decorating, we were able to pull it off.  And when I say "we" I mean Fancy E and our friend did most of the planning and work, and I came along and helped when needed or I could. So A HUGE THANK YOU to our friend for all that she did (and it was a lot).  Here are a few pictures before and during the party.

Our dear friend who helped.

They made hats as the craft for the party.

Her friends and guests.

She also had a table for her aunts and grandma's who live in town.
Plus our friend's high school aged daughter came and shared a very
sweet devotion for the girls. 

It was a very neat party and I do believe all these sweet girls
enjoyed getting dressed up and spending time together.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Our sweet baby girl is four months old today.
This month she discovered her toes; rolled over from back to belly (she 
had already flipped a few times tummy to back), so once she puts these two
movements together we will have a baby on the go!
She still keeps her mommy guessing at night to 
when she will be up and how many times and she still
brings a lot of JOY, LAUGHTER and SMILES to our home!

So, here is our collection of her four month photos and what was
going on behind the camera.  BIG J was helping me take the pictures.

Picture 1 - We love to CHEW on ANYTHING,
so why not our dress.

Picture 2 - We found our thumb...
at least for the moment.  I keep thinking
she might become a thumb sucker, but for 
right now it is just random that she chews on it

Picture 3 - Mom stood me up and I 
found my thumb again.

Picture 4 - Mom took my thumb, and
I am not happy!

Picture 5 - Big Brother is trying
to make me smile but it is not working.

Picture 6 - Big Brother is playing
his drums and the noise has mesmerized me.

Picture 7 - Big Brother came back and is flipping
his drum sticks behind mom - I like this, so I smile

Picture 8 - I like it so much
I almost laugh

Picture 9- Okay mom, I will give you a nice big
smile for the camera

Picture 10 -
I am done!  

Love this baby girl so much!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Happy Birthday Daddy

Out to eat for his birthday 
He had quite the beautiful young lady sitting next to him.
Can't believe how much she is growing up.  Almost double digits.

Grandpa and Grandma came along to enjoy dinner with us.

Happy Birthday daddy!
We love you so so much
and are so thankful for you.
your love for the Lord is the greatest
gift you give to each of us.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


It is so sweet.
Anything new baby girl does, the
older kids are ALL so excited for her and
love watching every move she makes.

She enjoyed sucking on the jumper
more than actually jumping in it.

Monday, August 5, 2019

First Day of School

Our summer vacation has come to an end.  
We started school today.

Here is my class this year:

We are excited for another year!
May the Lord bless us and keep us, guide us and
strengthen us.  May we rely on HIM!