Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Happy Birthday Fancy E

 Fancy E turned 10 this month!  Double digits.  She had been asking for a while now to have a tea party with some of her friends, so we thought her birthday was the perfect time to do this.  And thanks to a very good friend of ours who has a gift for planning parties and decorating, we were able to pull it off.  And when I say "we" I mean Fancy E and our friend did most of the planning and work, and I came along and helped when needed or I could. So A HUGE THANK YOU to our friend for all that she did (and it was a lot).  Here are a few pictures before and during the party.

Our dear friend who helped.

They made hats as the craft for the party.

Her friends and guests.

She also had a table for her aunts and grandma's who live in town.
Plus our friend's high school aged daughter came and shared a very
sweet devotion for the girls. 

It was a very neat party and I do believe all these sweet girls
enjoyed getting dressed up and spending time together.

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