Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Our sweet baby girl is four months old today.
This month she discovered her toes; rolled over from back to belly (she 
had already flipped a few times tummy to back), so once she puts these two
movements together we will have a baby on the go!
She still keeps her mommy guessing at night to 
when she will be up and how many times and she still
brings a lot of JOY, LAUGHTER and SMILES to our home!

So, here is our collection of her four month photos and what was
going on behind the camera.  BIG J was helping me take the pictures.

Picture 1 - We love to CHEW on ANYTHING,
so why not our dress.

Picture 2 - We found our thumb...
at least for the moment.  I keep thinking
she might become a thumb sucker, but for 
right now it is just random that she chews on it

Picture 3 - Mom stood me up and I 
found my thumb again.

Picture 4 - Mom took my thumb, and
I am not happy!

Picture 5 - Big Brother is trying
to make me smile but it is not working.

Picture 6 - Big Brother is playing
his drums and the noise has mesmerized me.

Picture 7 - Big Brother came back and is flipping
his drum sticks behind mom - I like this, so I smile

Picture 8 - I like it so much
I almost laugh

Picture 9- Okay mom, I will give you a nice big
smile for the camera

Picture 10 -
I am done!  

Love this baby girl so much!

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