Friday, August 30, 2013

My Baby Boy

I love this little boy so much.  He sure is a joy to be around and I love his little giggle.  He is so ticklish.  I could just hold him all day.  Of course this is not possible, but I am so thankful for the Ergo carrier and being able to have him me while I work. 
 I think this is one of his favorite places to be too.

Purple Girl was so excited to pick the below outfit out for brother since it had a puppy on it.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nature Hike

For our first week of school we took a "field trip" to a near by Nature Center and enjoyed a hike through their butterfly garden.  The kids once again had fun finding "treasures" on the ground and enjoyed seeing all the insects.  

For school, the kids drew pictures of their favorite thing in nature:

Then they sat and listened and we made a list of all the noises we heard.

Finally, we enjoyed a sack lunch.

This little girl had fun.  She is my story teller and has quite the imagination. As we were walking along the trail, she stops and points up into a tree and starts telling us all she sees an owl.  The kids tried to convince her otherwise, but she was certain there was an owl in the tree.  

After the kids sat quietly and listened, I asked what noises they heard.  The oldest two said birds, insects, wind and vehicles...Busy Bee said she heard an elephant sound.

Finally, on the way home, I asked the kids what was their favorite thing they saw.  Busy Bee said she enjoyed the camel.

No, we did not go to a zoo - but Busy Bee sure had an exciting morning!

Friday, August 23, 2013


These two really do love each other.  

Of course, they tend to be able to wind one another up, especially right before bedtime!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nieces Lunch Date

I was blessed to be able to take my three nieces and Purple Girl out to lunch. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School

We started our first day of school yesterday.  
Overall the kids were excited.  

With the first day of school, comes first day of school pictures.
We know that Busy Bee is only just two years old.
and a little young to really be starting "school." But we wanted 
her to feel included.  So, the kids told her she was 
starting preschool and she was excited.

Purple Girl is so excited to have more scheduled school time with mom this year.  
It is so fun to work with her and see how excited she is.  
We are not doing a lot, but the little we do is so special to her (and to mom too).

And BIG J - I think he is ready for another year.  
He says he is most excited about reading, our Tuesday school time with his cousins, and tumbling on Thursday's.  I think he will enjoy other parts of school as we get underway.

It is fun taking pictures of these two.  They tend to listen and smile nicely these days.
(Of course, I might have motivated them with marshmallow if they obeyed)

I threw Busy Bee up by Purple Girl and quickly snapped one more shot.

The 2013-2014 school year is underway!  
We ask for the Lord's blessing on our days and this year.  For I know I need HIM in all I do, so we ask that He be before us, behind us, beside us, below us and above us!  We just want HIM in all we do and with us wherever we go!  To GOD all the glory!

Family Vacation - Cabin

Here is a picture of the cabin we stayed in.  

Big J and Purple Girl slept up in the loft together!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Family Vacation Day 3 - One more Hike

Day three started off with singing Happy Birthday to Purple Girl!  
She was very excited to wake up to her birthday.

Oh wait, no Day 3 (just like Day 2) started off with Little J in our bed NICE and EARLY!  
I think this was Little J's favorite part of the trip - laying in bed with mom and dad in the early morning hours.
(As you can see, Daddy was still trying to sleep...trying being the key word)

After we loaded the vehicle, we went on one more hike before heading home.
It was a neat morning with a light fog and the sun just shining through the trees.

Big J said it looked like Jesus was shining through all the trees.

Here is our Busy Bee taking the lead on the hike. 
She was saying back to everyone else "Come on guys, come on!"  
As she walked ahead she spotted a lion (or so she told us).  

Back up the big hill before we got to our vehicle.

We were so blessed to have a nice family vacation.
The Lord blessed us with safe travels, healthy children and BEAUTIFUL weather and scenery.
Once again, we are so grateful!

Family Vacation Day 2 - Camp Fire and Marshmallows

Day 2 continued with girls and Little J napping and the boys heading off to golf in the afternoon. 
 When the boys returned, we enjoyed a nice afternoon/evening by our cabin.  

After eating around the fire, Daddy and the kids enjoyed some marshmallows.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Family Vacation Day 2 - Pikes Peak Lunch

After hiking in the morning at Effigy Mounds, we headed back to Pikes Peak for lunch.  
First we enjoyed the views again and let the kids run around.

Yea - a picture of all four with ALL four looking at the camera!  

But after sitting for the picture, they love running around on this bench.

Nice picture of Big J:

And then these two silly girls!  
They of course thought it was so funny when I would surprise them.

Genuine true smiles and laughs from both of them.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Family Vacation - Day 2

Day 2 started off with visiting Effigy Mounds.  The kids enjoyed walking through the Museum.

Then off hiking we went.  Daddy and kids standing next to one of the mounds.

The kids enjoyed the flowers.

I asked Busy Bee to smell a flower - instead she licked it.

Busy Bee started off on Daddy's back.

Another gorgeous view.

Little J was with us too!  Most of the time he spent in the carrier on mom.  

They are off again!  This time Busy Bee wanted to walk "All by herself"

Friday, August 16, 2013

Purple Girl Birthday Party

Purple Girl had a fun Princess birthday party.  
Her theme this year was "Daughter of the King" and her birthday verse was:
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout aloud,
O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you;
righteous and having salvation is he…

Zechariah 9:9
 It was fun to see her excitement that her King is the most amazing, powerful, mighty, kind, loving, (this list could go on forever)....KING!  Her king is JESUS!

So, she invited all her guests to come over in their best princess apparel.  
Nobody let her down.

The Princesses had a tea party while they had their nails painted.  

This party was not just for Purple Girl, but also for her Cousin J - whose birthday is next Friday.  So after the princesses had their tea party, 
they headed off to watch two young Padawan Learner's go through training.

 They had to go through a training session to become Jedi Knights.  They had many tasks to complete and the final mission was to defeat Darth Vader who showed up at the party.

In the end, they defeated him and received their Jedi Knight certificates.

While the boys were completing their training, the princesses were watching cheering them on.

The party ended with cousins playing together outside, cake, and presents.

The kids all seemed to have a lot of fun.  Thanks to all the guests who participated and made it such a special evening for both these birthday kids.