Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Purple Girl is FOUR

Our Purple Girl is FOUR years old today.   She is so excited to be turning four.  This little girl continues to add so much fun and excitement to our home.  She brings lots of energy and keeps us all on our toes.  She is our climber, our tumbler, our dancer, our baby doll lover, our hugger, our run-every-where she goes little girl!  She can't wait to be a MOM when she gets older and loves to dream about being a princess.  She always wants to wear a dress - but only if it twirls of course.  

If you came into our home, you would most likely find this little girl in the playroom putting on a princess dress, playing dolls with her little sister, tickling and loving on her little brother or outside swinging with her big brother.

We are so thankful for our Purple Girl.  

Eliana's name means "God has answered."  
The Lord truly did answer our prayers when He blessed us with her.  

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