Monday, August 19, 2013

Family Vacation Day 3 - One more Hike

Day three started off with singing Happy Birthday to Purple Girl!  
She was very excited to wake up to her birthday.

Oh wait, no Day 3 (just like Day 2) started off with Little J in our bed NICE and EARLY!  
I think this was Little J's favorite part of the trip - laying in bed with mom and dad in the early morning hours.
(As you can see, Daddy was still trying to sleep...trying being the key word)

After we loaded the vehicle, we went on one more hike before heading home.
It was a neat morning with a light fog and the sun just shining through the trees.

Big J said it looked like Jesus was shining through all the trees.

Here is our Busy Bee taking the lead on the hike. 
She was saying back to everyone else "Come on guys, come on!"  
As she walked ahead she spotted a lion (or so she told us).  

Back up the big hill before we got to our vehicle.

We were so blessed to have a nice family vacation.
The Lord blessed us with safe travels, healthy children and BEAUTIFUL weather and scenery.
Once again, we are so grateful!

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