Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School

We started our first day of school yesterday.  
Overall the kids were excited.  

With the first day of school, comes first day of school pictures.
We know that Busy Bee is only just two years old.
and a little young to really be starting "school." But we wanted 
her to feel included.  So, the kids told her she was 
starting preschool and she was excited.

Purple Girl is so excited to have more scheduled school time with mom this year.  
It is so fun to work with her and see how excited she is.  
We are not doing a lot, but the little we do is so special to her (and to mom too).

And BIG J - I think he is ready for another year.  
He says he is most excited about reading, our Tuesday school time with his cousins, and tumbling on Thursday's.  I think he will enjoy other parts of school as we get underway.

It is fun taking pictures of these two.  They tend to listen and smile nicely these days.
(Of course, I might have motivated them with marshmallow if they obeyed)

I threw Busy Bee up by Purple Girl and quickly snapped one more shot.

The 2013-2014 school year is underway!  
We ask for the Lord's blessing on our days and this year.  For I know I need HIM in all I do, so we ask that He be before us, behind us, beside us, below us and above us!  We just want HIM in all we do and with us wherever we go!  To GOD all the glory!

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