Friday, July 31, 2015

Sit With Me Aunt Fell

This little guy wanted his Aunt to sit next to him while he watched a video. 

Have I mentioned lately how blessed our children are to have
this Aunt in their lives!!  Although they may not always show it
perfectly, they sure love their Aunt.
Still praising God that He has placed us this close to family!!

Love Languages

This guys love languages are physical touch and
quality time.  He loves to be with people and to be as
close to them as possible - especially his mom.
While I was nursing baby, instead of Little J 
driving his car on his train table that was at my feet,
he was driving his car on the chair 
and all over me.

I sure do love this little guy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Fun at the zoo with the cousins and Grammie.

This guy was so excited to "ride" the cow.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Night Out

 The hubs and I had a night out together.  
Although my husband isn't a big fan of pictures, 
every now and then I don't mind getting one with just him!! 

Right now a night out means our little buddy comes with us.
He is going to be a Michigan fan just like his
 two older brothers and daddy!  

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Precious Sleeping Baby

I can never have too many snapshots of my
babies sleeping. I just think they are so precious!
I love the hand behind the head in this one.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Reading to Babies

I love watching this little lady care for her babies.
She was reading them their bedtime story.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sleeping Boy and Sleeping Cow

I love pictures of my sweet boy sleeping cuddled with his blankets and cow.

The other day he was playing with his sister and this was
where he found for his cow to sleep.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Big Sister Love

I love these pictures because this all happened without me (mom) asking.  Big Sister wanted Little Sister to be able to cross the monkey bars and this was the only way.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Five Months Old

Our baby boy was five months old on July 16th!  

Our sweet, smiley little guy.

This month he has been rolling over
from his back to his belly.  Every now and 
then he will flip back over to his back if his siblings give
him the time.  Usually the minute he flips onto his belly,
one of his siblings come in for the rescue and flip
him back over.

I (mom) also claim that he has been saying 
"ma ma."  Dad might not agree with me, but 
he does make a noise that sounds extremely
similar to "ma" and it usually is when he
is tired or hungry.  So, I am going with it
and saying yes, my first baby to say 
"mama" before "dada"!!

After Baby J's photo shoot, the siblings wanted to sneak in for
a picture with him.  These two below thought it was cute
to have the "ODD" siblings together.  Big J meant this not as that
they are "odd" (although this might be a little true), but instead
since they are children 1,3, and 5.

Of course Big Sister wanted a picture with her baby brother too.

Lots of love for this little guy!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Birthday Girl!

Despite having sickness in our home all week, Busy Bee has so far remained healthy.  So, she was ready for her birthday yesterday.  And thankfully Big Brother and Big Sister were on their way back to health and could also enjoy Busy Bee's birthday.

Since her theme was about a treasure, we did a "treasure" hunt to find her birthday gifts in the morning.  Big Sister helped read the clues for her.

One of her gifts were some fun playdough toys.

We did another "treasure hunt" around the home, having
each sibling help her find things to bring to the kitchen table.
Once all items were collected, the kids got to enjoy a special treat.

After our treasure hunt, Busy Bee and Little J headed outside
to play in the pool.

They had a lot of fun together and enjoyed
"resting" on their towels once they were done.

During nap time I made her treasure box cake.
The brown sugar is suppose to be the sand that the 
treasure box is on.

After naptime attire for Busy Bee...her batman outfit
which she loves.

After some more swimming outside
with all the siblings and eating dinner,
we enjoyed some cake for dessert.

Blowing out the candles.

Happy 4th Birthday Little Lady!
We love you more than words can say.


We had sickness in our home this past week. 
Big J got a 24 hour bug.  If he is napping in the middle of the day,
 you know he is not feeling well. 


Poor Purple Girl really got hit hard.  She was sick for almost a week and completely wiped out.

Of course with sickness, brings lots of snuggle time with mommy.

And more snuggle time!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday

Our Busy Bee is...

She is growing into 
quite the young lady and 
can be such a sweetheart.

She loves riding her bike, taking care of her stuffed
 animals and pretending to be Batman.  
She also enjoys rocking with baby J, 
playing farm with Little J, 
playing dolls with her sister, and 
playing Lego's with her big brother.

We went back and forth on her birthday 
theme this year and we finally decided on
a "treasure hunt" birthday.  
So, her birthday verse is:

Happy Birthday our special little girl!
We LOVE YOU so much!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summerfest Activities

This past week was Summerfest Days.
The town has an all city play date in which
they bring in different activities for families,
including vehicles the kids can sit on.

Busy Bee and Little J talk about being farmers 
all the time.  So they were both very excited to sit 
in the tractor.

Little J was in heaven as
he got to sit on several BIG trucks!!

We also went to the parade on Saturday.  Kids really enjoyed it.